Sunday, June 17, 2007

Ocean's Thirteen

Today, I watched 'Ocean's Thirteen' with Kate, James and Sean. Although I didn't understand everything, this movie was so~~ good.
At first, we had a problem. Our tickets were written 'AUD#7'. We were waiting in AUD#7. However, another movie, Nancy Drew, started playing. We went out and saw a notice board. Our AUD# was 1. Crazy ticket; We came in AUD#1, but there was no seat we sat together. We went out again and told employees. We wanted to change movie time, so the employees exchanged our ticket and gave us free movie coupon! Oh, yeah. I'm gonna watch Fantastic 4 by this coupon~.
We went to American buffet to eat dinner before movie. Kate paid our food. It was already second time. Next time, I'll buy her tasty food. Anyway, American food's taste is kinda strange for me yet. Oh.. When can I get used to American food? Is it possible? I have no idea;


bitjaruu said...

i want American buffet.

Dalyoung, Lee said...

I know you want to eat all kinds of food. Haha~