Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Academic Writing I - A Scene from a Dream

Dalyoung Lee

Academic Writing I

June 19, 2007

A Scene from a Dream

Two years ago, I experienced very strange things when I lived alone. While I was sleeping in the center of my room at midnight, I heard somebody yelling outside. I was curious, so I woke up and approached the window. I saw two men yelling at each other in front of my window. One of them was old, and the other was young. When they finished fighting, I turned my body back in order to sleep again. After that, I was very shocked, for I saw my body lying on the floor. When I woke up in the morning, I was too dizzy, so I was not able to do anything for a day. Some days later, I wanted to go outside while I was sleeping. Suddenly, I was running very quickly on streets. There were a lot of cars on the left and right, yet nobody saw me. I came back home and slept again. In the morning, I was exhausted as if I really had run. I have never experienced that again after that. I have no idea whether these experiences were dreams or not. These two experiences are the weirdest things that I have ever had.


This is not a lie. I don't want to experience this again;

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