Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I wanna post every day, but

There are two reasons that I don't post every day. One of the reasons is that I'm lazy. Writing is kind of annoying. The other is I do nothing special; I don't have a lot of things to do. It's such a pity. I wanna travel! Maybe someday, I can do it if I have a car and enough money. I know I must study hard, but I also know this moment is the last moment I can enjoy. Next year if I go back to Korea, I'm going to continue going my university. I must study my major hard in order to graduate because my grade is not good. Shit;; After graduate university, I might get a job. If I get a job, I won't really have enough time to enjoy. Therefore, this moment is very important for me. Study hard when I study, and play hard when I play.

Two days later, I have an important thing to do. I wish I'll do it well.

I think my articles are gloomy because I write in English. Lack of expression;


Anonymous said...

good luck~~~~~~~~

Dalyoung, Lee said...

Go away~;