Thursday, July 12, 2007


Black and white two sides that are extremes; right or wrong, or good or bad, with nothing in between

Fine line a very subtle distinction between two different things

Right under ones nose in plain view; in a place where something or someone might be easily noticed

Plug quickly advertise for free

No ifs, ands, or buts about it absolutely no excuses, without any doubt, dissension, or variance

Cant see the forest through the trees cant see real important things

See something in a whole new light to view or understand something from a different perspective

Change ones tune to change ones attitude

Keep someone in the dark do not tell someone

Rule out cross off at the list. Eliminate something

Have it both ways to have two things at the same time that are incompatible with each other

Up in the air uncertain; unknown; undecided

Pros and cons the advantages and disadvantages

Head over heels in love love so much and so happy

Get something/someone off ones mind to try to stop thinking about something

Look like a million bucks to look very good; to be attractive and well-dressed

Feel ten feet tall to feel happy, fortunate, and self-confident

Where I stand what is my position, relationship

Promise the moon to promise someone something that is impossible

Be put on a pedestal everybody thinks somebody is great

Lay it on thick to flatter or praise someone excessively

Breathing room to have freedom from excessive control of ones time and attention

No strings attached expect nothing. Just do it for you

Give me a ring give me a call

Slip ones mind to forget something

Blow it make a mistake. Screw up by my fault

In over ones head involved in something that is too difficult, complicated, or dangerous for one to handle easily

Right around the corner imminent; about to happen; in the near future

Get something off the ground get something started or running smoothly

Odd are according to statistics

Cut corners to compromise on quality; to do something poorly or incompletely; to take shortcuts

Keep a level head to think calmly and rationally; to not panic

Till the cows come home till the evening. For a very, very ling time

Open a can of worms to create a whole new set of problems to deal with

Throw in the towel to give up, quit

Cross that bridge when one comes to it to deal with a situation or a problem when one has to, and not before

Off the top of ones head to think of something without looking it up or trying hard to figure it out

Make ones mark to have a significant impact on something

Hands down absolutely, with no question

Strike a chord really make me think; to seem familiar

Ahead of ones time wonderful new product

Put ones name on the line to risk losing ones reputation. Believe something strongly to rescue somebody

Warm up to to accept and come to like something that one at first doesnt like

Corner on the market have power

Flash in the pan someone or something that experiences fleeting and transitory fame or popularity

Feather in ones cap and accomplishment of which one can be very proud

Wipe out eliminate

Save face to preserve ones good reputation or dignity after doing something that may potentially damage that reputation

Uphill battle a very difficult task

Stop something in its tracks to stop something or someone very abruptly or forcefully

Miss the boat to lose a chance or opportunity to do something, often because ones response is too late or slow

Take it out on someone to act in a mean, angry, or hostile way toward someone, even if it is not that persons fault that you are angry

Sitting duck someone in a vulnerable or unguarded position who is unaware of the danger of the situation

Too close to comfort dangerously close

Slip through ones finger to be lost or to narrowly escape without one knowing how

Not have a prayer to have no chance at all

Bite off more than one can chew to try to do more than one is capable of

Bring to ones knees to incapacitate; to severely weaken the power of someone; defeat someone not only physically but mentally

Have an edge have an advantage

Put ones best foot forward to try ones best; to try to make a good impression

Let someone down to disappoint someone

Tow the line to do exactly what is expected; to follow orders

Take something in stride to accept a difficult situation and move on

Stick ones neck out to take a risk for someone

Bend over backwards to make an extreme effort

Get something off the ground to make something start

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