Friday, April 13, 2007

Homework - Listening Class

Its important for parents to talk to their babies a lot to help them learn their language.
I agree. I think conversation is the best way to improve language ability. If babies hear the language constantly, they will absorb the language slowly even if they cannot understand what parents say.

It would be better if everybody in the world spoke the same language.
I agree. Although all of language teachers will lose their job, it is very convenient that everybody in the world speak the same language. People who travel the other country will not have any problems that cause by language. And we can save the time that learn languages, translate, and so on.


Scott said...

Hi 달영 (sorry if I misspelt your name)

I think your blog is a good idea, its can help you revise and review what you've learnt during your time in America. Also you can share information with others learning English.

Regarding the statement "It would be better if everybody in the world spoke the same language." I disagree because culture and identity are strongly connected with one's native language. Think of how many Korean words and idioms there are that would be difficult/impossible to translate to English.

good luck with your studies

Dalyoung, Lee said...

Thank you for your visiting and your comment. I was surprised when I saw your comment because I did not expect it. I guess you are also Korean. You spelled my name exactly. Anyway, Thank you ;)