Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Homework - Listening Class

1. The Internet is the best place to find information on almost everything.
A: I agree. When I want to know something, the Internet is a very convenient way. I just turn on computer and search to get information. There will be a lot of results that I want.

2. Information on the Internet is usually quite accurate.
A: I agree. A lot of information are accurate. So it is helpful. But I should be careful when I find information. Because some people diffuse wrong information intentionally. It can cause confusion.

3. The government needs to control the kind of information that can be on the Internet.
A: I agree. The Internet has a lot of information. It contains the information about sex, violence, and something bad. That information can affect children badly.

4. Every student should have a laptop computer and an Internet connection.
A: I don't agree. The Internet is convenient but it is not essential. Although I can't use the Internet, I can live well.

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