Monday, June 4, 2007


These days I can't concentrate on studying. Why? What's wrong with me? I can't help daydreaming when I try to study. Is it because I want one thing very strongly? I'm not sure. I have some things to need to think, though. I was going to go Utah when my second session ends. However, I think I'd better change my plan. My parents are going to come to America on August, 7. If I take one more session at my school, the session ends before that day. Some foreign friends of mine want me not to go. Moreover, there are a lot of ESL schools in CA. Some of them don't have a lot of Koreans, so I think if I stay in CA, it will not be bad. Hm.. What am I going to do?

One more thing..CAR! LICENSE! It is hard to borrow a car to take a driving test(it is called Behind-The-Wheel Test). Why does the DMV(an office that we can get a license and do any other things about car) have no car that we can take driving test? I must borrow a car from someone to take test. If I waited to borrow my cousin's car, I would have to wait more than 3 weeks. I tried to find any other ways, and found. Driving School.. As expected, money is the best;


The Bimbo said...

As usual... Money would solve problems. :P The root of evil really.

Dalyoung, Lee said...

Sometimes evil, sometimes angel :)