Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The school that I am thinking to move

Nomen Global Language School

--The e-mail that I received from this school.--

Dear Dalyoung Lee,
My name is Jeff Waldrop, Korean Advisor at Nomen Global Language
Centers. I am happy to hear of your interest in attending our school
here in Provo, Utah. We have students studying here from all over the
world. Here are the nationality percentages for our currently enrolled

0.8% each from Russia, China, Guatemala, Tahiti, Dominican Republic,
Bolivia, Madagascar, Spain and Italy
1.7% each from Mongolia, Thailand, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Uruguay and
2.5% each from Taiwan, El Salvador and Argentina
3.4% from Chile
4.2% from Ecuador
6% from Peru
6.7% from Brazil
7.6% from Japan
11.8% from Korea
35.4% from Mexico

We offer 6 different levels of instruction, and each level studies
grammar, integrated skills and an elective or two of their choice.
Possible electives include Rhythmic Expression, Current Events, Idioms
and Informal Speech, Pronunciation, Conversation, American Culture, and
TOEFL Skills. At level six, you may take a TOEFL Preparation course or
a College Preparation course. Your beginning level will be determined
when you arrive and take the CAPE Test, our level-placement exam.
Classes start every two weeks, so you can begin whenever is most
convenient to your schedule. The next 'block' (a two-week period)
begins this Monday the 14th, and the following block begins the Tuesday
the 29th (because the 28th is a holiday). Remember that you must start
classes within 30 days after leaving your current school.
In order to apply, you'll need to do the following:
1) Decide when you would like to start, then fill out the top
portion of the International Transfer Request Form (attached to this
email) and give it to your current school. They
will then fax it to us.
2) Apply on-line at www.nomenglobal.com (click on 'Apply on-line').
3) Pay Application Fee ($100) (via PayPal - from our homepage,
click on 'Tuition' then 'Pay tuition and fees online' and then click on
the PayPal logo.
-please let me know when you pay and how much. ---please
pay a total of $104.37 to cover PayPal service fees.
4) Please send me a copy of your passport and visa (via email
would be best, if possible).

I look forward to hearing from you soon! I hope I answered your
questions, and please let me know if you need anything else. I hope to
see you soon here at Nomen Global!

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