Thursday, May 17, 2007

Finally, my school became funny

Because there are more foreign students in my classes at this session! I always wanted this situation. And 'Speaking Globally' class is exciting. At this class, we talk about global situation. But, we usually speak freely! This is the best class I've ever taken. The teacher of this class, Marshal, is cool and funny. He call me, David, and Natalia trouble makers; Why! I'm not. But I'll;

And today, in Academic Writing class, there was a new student. Her name is Liana Braunova. She is from Czechoslovakia, and has blond hair. She sit beside me. And we became partner, we interviewed each other. Oh, I was so nervous because she had blond hair;;

Anyway, from now all I need is a car! Come on, my pretty car~. I'll name my car when I buy it. What name is good?


bitjaruu said...

Solid R4
Saver Pro

in kart_rider game


Dalyoung, Lee said...

I already have Solid R4 and Solid Pro. I've never played Kart Rider since I came to the US. Do you still play it? Oh, my god! You are such a baby~