Friday, January 23, 2009


It means, pre Samsung Training Course. I attended it for 1 month. Two days ago, it finishsed. I learned somethings I should know before I start to work in Samsung SDS. Some of what I learned, such java and database were waht I'd studied alreay, so sometimes I was bored. But I met good people there, and learned something important in my life. Therefore, past one month was valueable time for me.

On Feb.03, I'm going to Mt.Jiri for SVP, which means Samsung Shared Value Program with some of Samsung's new employees. It continues for one month. It means I'll be there for one month, and I'll be able to come back home only once. It's not a problem, actually, but my birthday is on the middle of this period. I don't know where it's better be there on my birthday or not. I'll see that on the day.

I came back to Korea from America on Feb 01, 2008, and I haven't used English a lot. So now, I feel difficulty to write this in English. It's such a big problem. Damn..I can't express well what I want. I need to write more to improve my English skill, I think.
Don't be lazy, and try hard to get what I want. That's what I have to, but I can't do well.

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