Wednesday, November 19, 2008

These days..

I'm bored. Seriously. I'm still going to school, but I have no motivation. I don't wanna go. I want something. The problem is.. I don't even know what the something is. What do I want? What do I need? I just wanna graduate school, and start working. 8 years. It's been 8 years since I entered my university. It's so long and enough. I think I want and need something new, something I haven't done before. But, school doesn't have it anymore.

Now, Korea is so~~~ cold. I hate winter. I hate coldness. reason? If you live for 2 years without heating, you'll hate them, too. Winter also reminds me the memory that I don't wanna remember. 2 and half years in Suwon. 쇝!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


This day, I took a job interview at Daewoo Information System. I went to Jongro, where the company is located, but I didn't see its building. While looking for the building, Ssoel called me and ask me what I was looking for. She was sitting in a coffee shop, waiting for the interview. She new the building's location, so I went there with her. I saw another one, Minsu, who also had the interview in that building.
My group was the last group, so I had to wait for a long time. I arrived there at 12:30, and I took a discussion interview at 15:20. The interview finished at 16:20, and I started waiting again for a technical interview which was set to start at 17:40.
I was staying the company's computer LAB, using Nateon Messenger. Bongkeun told me by the messenger that Samsung SDS's interview result would be released that day. I hadn't expected it at all, and I started freaking out;; The technical interview finished at 18:20, and I wanted to see the result. But computers in the LAB were turned off, which means I couldn't do it.
I needed to go to my school for a meeting, so I took a subway. I was so nerves because I couldn't help thinking of the result. When I arrived Noryangjin, I went to a PC Cafe to see which result had come.

I saw this picture.

The picture says I've been passed Samsung SDS's interview. It means, I have a job. Finally.. When I saw the picture, I suddenly remembered the past two months. The days that had given me so much pressure. The days that I went to school to write resumes staying all night. All of them were finished. It let me stop trying to get a job. It moved me. T_T I could've cried, but I could bear it barely.

Two days have passed by already. Many people have celebrated me. Thank you for that. I hope all of them have good luck, so they can do what they want to do.

Anyway, my job hunting is finished. I have a plenty of time before I start working. Now is time to do what I haven't done so far. Something really cool, something that I've always wanted.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I have 2 job interviews. Asiana IDT and Pantec. Oh.. I'm kinda nervous now.
I don't worry about the interviews. Actually, a little bit. But the ting I'm worried most is Chinese Letter Test in Asiana IDT. Why are you doing this? Why should I take that test? It's so hard..ㅡㅜ
Now, I'm confused. I don't know what to do to be ready for the interviews. Should I just take a good sleep? or should I study hard?

Anyways, I heard that the interview result of Samsung SDS might be released on November 3rd. I hope I will be passed. If I am passed, I'll stop what I've done so far, the job hunting. I'll do what I like to do but haven't been able to do. If I can't get a job in Samsung... I don't even wanna think of it.

Oh, so much pressure is coming. Go away you damn bastard. What I can do and what I have to do is just waiting and being hopeful.

Friday, October 10, 2008


Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Progress of Job Hunting

This is my current record. 
the pass rate is about 36% .
It's so hard to get a job.....ㅡㅜ

Anyway, it's going to be updated continuously.

When you can't see folders of your USB

폴더가 죄다 숨김속성으로 고정되는 악질 usb바이러스... 포맷하기 귀찮다면 살려냅시다.

시작->실행->cmd쓰고 확인-> *: 치고 Enter 하면 USB 드라이브로 들어갑니다. (*는 USB가 인식된 드라이브명)
-> 프롬프트 상태에서 attrib /s /d -s -h -r

위처럼 치고 잠시 기다리면 처리하고 다시 *:w> 가 나타납니다. 이제 다시 USB를 확인하면 폴더가 보일 것 입니다.

*백신프로그램으로 바이러스를 다 잡은 후 위 방법을 사용하시기 바랍니다.

It's a damn so bad USB virus. Do not format, but restore it.
start->execution->'cmd' ok -> type "*:"(* is the name of USB drive)
-> type "attrib /s /d -s -h -r"
wait for a while, and "*:W>" will be shown. You can see your folders.
*Do this after catch all virus by using anti virus program.

출처 : 부산대 기계공학부 홈페이지

Modified by Dalyoung

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Do you know?

Do you know where I am on the picture?

This picture was taken in 2000. I was in the third grade in my highschool. Everybody in the picture looks like a prisoner due to the uniform...

Anyway, If you find where I am, do not tell anybody that I'm there. Hahahaha.

Friday, October 3, 2008

I wish..

I wish I had somebody who could comfort me. This means.. I'm so lonley;

I wish I had a job that gave me lots of money. 

These days, I've been writing resumes to get a job. I already completed 29 resumes. 10 of them have been announced. Some of them have been passed, but the others have not. Whenever I become aware of the resumes that haven't been passed, I wanna cry. -_-;
Anyway, I've been having busy days writhing resumes and taking aptitude tests of companies. I hope these days finish quickly and I get a job. It makes me tired. 

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The reason why I don't like to wear glasses

This is why. I look like an idiot. I hardly go outside with glasses. 

This day, I was staying all night in the PC LAB in my university, writing my final paper ad resumes, fighting againt mosquitoes. There were so many mosquitoes because somebody had left windows open. I killed more than 30 of them, but there were still many. I hate them. They are so annoying!

This picture is the proof that I caught two mosquitoes at once. Hahaha

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Three TV shows I like

1. Prison Break

Scofield is a genius!

2. Heroes

3. Chuck
Chuck is cute, and Sarah is so pretty!

These tree shows' new seasons have been on air or is going to be. All of them are so interesting, funny, awsome. That's why I bought a MP4 player yesterday. I'll be watching them while I'm moving. The player is coming to me tomorrow~ 

I'm back~!

It's been one year since I posted the last article.

I've come back here to get by. It's time to make my English better.
English is so important for getting a job. I've been forgetting how to speak English. Oh, shit~!