Thursday, May 6, 2010

@atSangSoon 도 따라하는 torrent 사용법!

1. torrent 설치(

2. 실행 & 설정

대충 이런모습

3. torrent file을 찾는다 - 국내사이트(회원가입필요) - 외국사이트(여러 사이트를 모아놓은 곳)

원하는 자료를 찾아서 들어가면 torrent를 다운받을 수 있다.

열기 선택!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Things to do

I got about two weeks before I start working. It would be the last and longest free time. So, I think I should spend this time carefully.

First, I'll meet people who I haven't met for a long time. They've been busy since they got jobs, so now is good time to see them. Of course, it's impossible to meet all of them, but I'll try to see as many of them as possible.
Second, I'll get SCWCD, Sun Certified Web Component Developer. It will help my career if I get it, I believe. I got SCJP, but it's not enough because it's the easiest test of Sun's. Anyway, I started studying with the book, Head First Servlets & JSP. It's not very difficult, but not very easy, either.
Third, I'll do exersise until I'm exhausted so that I can lose my weight. And I think my will has become weak. I gotta be stronger for everything.
Last, I wanna go traveling a lot. It's turned out that going abroad is not possible, because I didn't make any reservation. But I can go to some places in my country. So, tomorrow, I'm going to Incheon. I wanna see sea. It's been so long since I saw it last. more than one year. Actually, I wanted to go to Jungdongjin, where people go to see sun rise, but I was too late. All tickets were sold out. So I chose Incheon instead of Jungdongjin, but I'll go there next week.


It means, pre Samsung Training Course. I attended it for 1 month. Two days ago, it finishsed. I learned somethings I should know before I start to work in Samsung SDS. Some of what I learned, such java and database were waht I'd studied alreay, so sometimes I was bored. But I met good people there, and learned something important in my life. Therefore, past one month was valueable time for me.

On Feb.03, I'm going to Mt.Jiri for SVP, which means Samsung Shared Value Program with some of Samsung's new employees. It continues for one month. It means I'll be there for one month, and I'll be able to come back home only once. It's not a problem, actually, but my birthday is on the middle of this period. I don't know where it's better be there on my birthday or not. I'll see that on the day.

I came back to Korea from America on Feb 01, 2008, and I haven't used English a lot. So now, I feel difficulty to write this in English. It's such a big problem. Damn..I can't express well what I want. I need to write more to improve my English skill, I think.
Don't be lazy, and try hard to get what I want. That's what I have to, but I can't do well.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

These days..

I'm bored. Seriously. I'm still going to school, but I have no motivation. I don't wanna go. I want something. The problem is.. I don't even know what the something is. What do I want? What do I need? I just wanna graduate school, and start working. 8 years. It's been 8 years since I entered my university. It's so long and enough. I think I want and need something new, something I haven't done before. But, school doesn't have it anymore.

Now, Korea is so~~~ cold. I hate winter. I hate coldness. reason? If you live for 2 years without heating, you'll hate them, too. Winter also reminds me the memory that I don't wanna remember. 2 and half years in Suwon. 쇝!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


This day, I took a job interview at Daewoo Information System. I went to Jongro, where the company is located, but I didn't see its building. While looking for the building, Ssoel called me and ask me what I was looking for. She was sitting in a coffee shop, waiting for the interview. She new the building's location, so I went there with her. I saw another one, Minsu, who also had the interview in that building.
My group was the last group, so I had to wait for a long time. I arrived there at 12:30, and I took a discussion interview at 15:20. The interview finished at 16:20, and I started waiting again for a technical interview which was set to start at 17:40.
I was staying the company's computer LAB, using Nateon Messenger. Bongkeun told me by the messenger that Samsung SDS's interview result would be released that day. I hadn't expected it at all, and I started freaking out;; The technical interview finished at 18:20, and I wanted to see the result. But computers in the LAB were turned off, which means I couldn't do it.
I needed to go to my school for a meeting, so I took a subway. I was so nerves because I couldn't help thinking of the result. When I arrived Noryangjin, I went to a PC Cafe to see which result had come.

I saw this picture.

The picture says I've been passed Samsung SDS's interview. It means, I have a job. Finally.. When I saw the picture, I suddenly remembered the past two months. The days that had given me so much pressure. The days that I went to school to write resumes staying all night. All of them were finished. It let me stop trying to get a job. It moved me. T_T I could've cried, but I could bear it barely.

Two days have passed by already. Many people have celebrated me. Thank you for that. I hope all of them have good luck, so they can do what they want to do.

Anyway, my job hunting is finished. I have a plenty of time before I start working. Now is time to do what I haven't done so far. Something really cool, something that I've always wanted.