Tuesday, June 5, 2007

A Memorable Event in My Life - Final

Dalyoung Lee
Academic Writing I
June 4, 2007

A Memorable Event in My Life

The hardest time in my life was when I lived alone. I wanted to earn money to study English in Australia, so I decided to work in a fabric company instead of my military service. This company had three work times -08:30~16:30, 16:30~00:30, 00:30~08:30. My work time was changed every week. At first, I lived in a dormitory with two coworkers, but each of our work times was different. It was very inconvenient, so I decided to live alone. Then, I got a room and started living alone. While I worked, I earned about $750 a month, and I saved about $600 a month. Although I got about $350 per two months as a bonus, I did not have enough money to live. In winter, I did not heat my room to save money. I just relied on a heating pad and three blankets. My parents wanted to help me, but I refused it and told them I was using a boiler. I wanted to live by myself. Sometimes I felt it was difficult, but I was able to endure it because of my dream, which was to go to Australia.

After two years, I finished my duty. Finally, I saved more than $17,000. When I told other people about this story, they were surprised. They asked me why I did it, and they also wondered whether it is possible. Some of them thought I was crazy. However, I do not think so because I had a dream. Now I am in America. Although my purpose was Australia, it is not a big deal. Things happen. Anyway, I think this experience was good for me. I learned the worth of money and the way that lives by myself. Suffering makes people stronger. I will never forget this experience, and I will think about this when I feel difficulty.


Rayvon said...
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Rayvon said...

hey man~! it's been a long time!
I'm SSAK!!

I'm realy surprised when i visited here! wow~! I thought your writing is prety good!
actually I don't know about english grammar but there is so many article and it is so long. indeed it makes me dizzy @_@.

how are you man?
everything is ok?
i'm just asking even though you look very very ok:)

Unknown said...

인생 뭐 있나. 달려

bitjaruu said...

why only man here?
i am so sad.
nobody girl?

Dalyoung, Lee said...

SSAK, I'm OK. Everything is going well. I am just bored.

I don't need any girls because all I have to do is study. Shit;