Thursday, May 17, 2007

My Final Assignment at Reading Class at Last Session


The author, Richard Rodriguez, is the son of Mexican immigrants. He talks about living in America as a person who has black skin. His complexion is dark. But all his family does not have black skin. His father seems like French. His mother seems like Italian or Portuguese. Their skin is not black. His older brother and youngest sister also have not black skin. Only his older sister has a complexion as dark as his. Because of her black skin, his older sister had to go through hard time. He also experienced some racism.
When he was young, his aunts were pleased because their children had light skin. One aunt recommended her sisters remedies that could bear white children, but it caused some problems to children.
He talks about other people’s experiences that he heard. Two of his cousins were refused to enter to an “all-white” swimming pool. A lot of dark people were connected to poverty because they worked in menial labor. His uncle, who had to be the head of the family because of his grandfather’s death, did construction work. And he was mistreated by white people. When he went back to Mexico, he looked older than his real age because of mistreatment.

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