Wednesday, May 30, 2007

May 28, 2007

Today is Memorial Day. I don't know what Memorial Day is, but today is holiday, so I didn't need to go to school!
In the morning, I went to the park where is near my home with Candy. Candy likes to go out very much.

-Candy on the table. She is gorgeous, isn't she?

-Candy chasing pigeons.

-A lot of ducks.

-An adult duck and baby ducks. They're so cute!

There are a lot of parks in America, and there are a lot of ducks and some squirrels in parks. When I went to the park first, I was surprised because I could see animals easily.
I like to go to the park with Candy because some people talk to me. Although the words they say to me are very simple, it is interesting to talk with native speakers.


bitjaruu said...

You are very comfortable.
I envy you. I like park and animal.
Youre picture is cool!!!

Dalyoung, Lee said...


I'm not comfortable. It was just a holiday. Do you envy me? Come here, man!